Wednesday, January 13, 2016

My Stance

One thing I am very concerned about is the amount of rapes and sexual assaults going around America. It boggles my mind to think that these people feel entitled to other's bodies. I hate when the phrase: "They asked for it" because of the clothes people are wearing. Pieces of cloth on our body should not be able to speak on our behalf. Girls, and even boys should not have to question if what they're wearing is going to provoke someone into assaulting them. It is so sad to think that in our world, we always have to be looking over our shoulders when walking home in the dark. That we have to constantly censor ourselves and change what we want to wear because of what might happen to us. I also am concerned about how people are giving double standards between girls and boys. If girls want to be shirtless in picture, they immediately get slut shamed, but if a guy posts a shirtless pic, nobody seems to care and sometimes they're even praised for it.