Monday, March 21, 2016

Poster Project Reflection


-Do you believe your stance clear within your poster? Defend your answer- image, fonts, color, composition, etc. 
I believe that the stance in my poster is very clear. The image themselves may not clearly be showing what my message is, but I think the text on the bottom of my poster is very obvious that my poster is about rape. 

-From your initial thumbnail sketches to your hand drawn draft- Do you feel you were successful in re-creating your poster idea digitally? If not, do you like the new visual outcome? 
I think I was partly successful, but not really. In my hand drawn sketch, the people were more varying in terms of their clothing. I had envisioned my people to have a variety between conservative and nonconservative, but in my actual project I couldn't really do that. A) because it is hard to find the same girl with different outfits B) I couldn't use a real person from our school to be a rape victims C) It would be breaking school dress code. 

-What were the changes you made from your first version to the last version of the poster? Explain why you made those changes?
The changes I made, was kind of everything. I changed the background colors because I needed to split the page and make it look less plain. I also ended up changing both of my fonts because I felt like they were not serious enough to represent my topic. I also changed the "rape is rape, it shouldn't matter" thing around to make it say "It shouldn't matter, rape is rape". This was suggested by Ms.Lee and I agree with it. 

-Looking over your rubric, which category do you think your project is strongest? Explain why. Which category do you feel the least confident? Explain why.
I think the concept part of the rubric is my strongest part because it is very obvious my poster is about rape. It says rape on it. I feel that everyone should be well-rounded enough to be aware of the issue of "victim shaming" and understand that everyone always asks the victims things like "what were you wearing?".
I was not confident about the design of my project because it does not personally fit my taste, I prefer my posters to be simplistic without colors. I hope that the colors I chose are ok. I wanted them to be gloomy but also look good and I don't know if that was achieved. I also hope that the girls all in line, I struggled with making them all the same size.

-What was the most challenging aspect of the project, conceptually? 
I had a really hard time trying to figure out how to make my poster look less happy. I like bright and pretty colors, but for this project I had to pick colors that would be gloomy, but still appealing to the eyes. 
-What was most challenging about the project, technically? 
Separating the people from their backgrounds. The image tracing was a little hard for me because there was too many steps, and it would always mess up and they would not group back into one thing. Instead I had to turn to photoshop to make the backgrounds transparent.


  1. I really like how clear the stance is and how polished the second poster is compared to the first :))

  2. I understand your stance about rape. You made your final poster more clear compared to the second one! I think the different colors in the poster makes some parts of it stand out. Such as the part in white "It shouldn't matter, rape is rape"!

  3. Your stance on the topic was clearly shown, and I actually love your poster since nowadays victim-blaming is a big issue today in society. Whether a girl is raped, or harassed a person's immediate response to that is "What were you wearing?" As if that would make a difference. I really like the use of different images, it shows that regardless of how 'revealing' a girl's outfit is, it will not lessen nor increase her chance of getting raped.

  4. Your stance is very clear. I like your text the most because I feel it is clear, but focuses on a specific part of the issue. I was moved by the text most of all. The font seems like its very serious and stern which enhances the poster.

  5. Your poster is firee! Your stance on rape and the message your are trying to convey is very clear. I like how all the girls are wearing different outfits to emphasize that it doesn't matter what a girl is wearing!

  6. The message is very clear and very true. It shows the sad reality of victim blaming and the poster is very relevant to today.

  7. My interpretation of the stance is that rape is rape, not mattering what they are wearing at the time. It does not matter if they are wearing a crop tops or a dress shirt because rape is rape. The poster was clear and I was moved because of how the word "you" sounds like it is directed to me, making it known how severe rape is and how it is a crime regardless of what one wears. The division using dark colors gave an overview on how serious the crime is. The usage of the black words incite a feeling that the topic is extremely serious. It gave a feeling that rape is a horrid crime. Overall, the poster was really strong.
