Monday, April 4, 2016

Favorite logos

My favorite logo is the iHop logo. I love the way that the logo is designed because it clearly shows the words to represent what the company is, but it also has a "hidden" image within it. There is a red curve underneath the "O" and "P" which makes it look like a smiley face. I personally like it when logos are cute and happy like that. I think this logo just has good vibes.

Logos I don't know:
1.  I really like this logo because it is simple, yet there is a lot of things going on in it. Again, it has the words of the company, but the font is not too serious and it seems very open and free. I love that within the words are images that relate to what the company is.

2. This logo is cute to me as well because there is words and an image that I feel really represents the company. It is a food place, so the image is of a fork and on top of the fork is kind of spurs into a cityscape, to represent the "urban" in the Urban Grill.

3.  I chose this logo because it so pretty and visually appealing to me. I love every single color in this logo. There are multiple colors that flow so nicely with one another because they are gradient. It is also put into the shape of a "K" for K-Mark.

4.  This one is really pretty as well. The picture in the background seems really peaceful and adventurous. The words on the front also blend in pretty well, because the white isn't super white, it's kind of faded.

5. I think this one if my favorite one of the 5. It is pure genius. There is the simple word "Hug" but making up the spaces in the "H" is hands, so it looks like someone is hugging the word hug. I love it!!

Monday, March 21, 2016

Poster Project Reflection


-Do you believe your stance clear within your poster? Defend your answer- image, fonts, color, composition, etc. 
I believe that the stance in my poster is very clear. The image themselves may not clearly be showing what my message is, but I think the text on the bottom of my poster is very obvious that my poster is about rape. 

-From your initial thumbnail sketches to your hand drawn draft- Do you feel you were successful in re-creating your poster idea digitally? If not, do you like the new visual outcome? 
I think I was partly successful, but not really. In my hand drawn sketch, the people were more varying in terms of their clothing. I had envisioned my people to have a variety between conservative and nonconservative, but in my actual project I couldn't really do that. A) because it is hard to find the same girl with different outfits B) I couldn't use a real person from our school to be a rape victims C) It would be breaking school dress code. 

-What were the changes you made from your first version to the last version of the poster? Explain why you made those changes?
The changes I made, was kind of everything. I changed the background colors because I needed to split the page and make it look less plain. I also ended up changing both of my fonts because I felt like they were not serious enough to represent my topic. I also changed the "rape is rape, it shouldn't matter" thing around to make it say "It shouldn't matter, rape is rape". This was suggested by Ms.Lee and I agree with it. 

-Looking over your rubric, which category do you think your project is strongest? Explain why. Which category do you feel the least confident? Explain why.
I think the concept part of the rubric is my strongest part because it is very obvious my poster is about rape. It says rape on it. I feel that everyone should be well-rounded enough to be aware of the issue of "victim shaming" and understand that everyone always asks the victims things like "what were you wearing?".
I was not confident about the design of my project because it does not personally fit my taste, I prefer my posters to be simplistic without colors. I hope that the colors I chose are ok. I wanted them to be gloomy but also look good and I don't know if that was achieved. I also hope that the girls all in line, I struggled with making them all the same size.

-What was the most challenging aspect of the project, conceptually? 
I had a really hard time trying to figure out how to make my poster look less happy. I like bright and pretty colors, but for this project I had to pick colors that would be gloomy, but still appealing to the eyes. 
-What was most challenging about the project, technically? 
Separating the people from their backgrounds. The image tracing was a little hard for me because there was too many steps, and it would always mess up and they would not group back into one thing. Instead I had to turn to photoshop to make the backgrounds transparent.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

My Stance

One thing I am very concerned about is the amount of rapes and sexual assaults going around America. It boggles my mind to think that these people feel entitled to other's bodies. I hate when the phrase: "They asked for it" because of the clothes people are wearing. Pieces of cloth on our body should not be able to speak on our behalf. Girls, and even boys should not have to question if what they're wearing is going to provoke someone into assaulting them. It is so sad to think that in our world, we always have to be looking over our shoulders when walking home in the dark. That we have to constantly censor ourselves and change what we want to wear because of what might happen to us. I also am concerned about how people are giving double standards between girls and boys. If girls want to be shirtless in picture, they immediately get slut shamed, but if a guy posts a shirtless pic, nobody seems to care and sometimes they're even praised for it.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Self Symbol GIF

1. The concept of my GIF is to show that it is the inside that matters. In the GIF, there is a black present and a blue present. The black present if the focus of the GIF, because it looks really boring on the outside, but later on you come to realize that the inside is a colorful surprise. The surprise also has a picture of my face because I think the present represents me: although I may be small, I have a big personality.

2. My GIF has evolved because I originally only had the idea of the presents and one of them
exploding with colorful confetti, then I photoshopped my face into it. I took a picture of myself and cut my face out, then put it into my GIF, by making it move along with the confetti and fall to the center.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Final Portrait Transformation

1) The concept of my project is a movie poster on a bus stop. It is also a play off of the movie "Honey, I Shrunk Kids"
2) "Ms.Lee, I Shrunk Devan" is the title of my project.
3) I am extremely happy with the results because I think it looks realistic and it's funny. 
4) Here are some original photos (final photos above):

5) In order to get the "poster" of Devan onto the bus stop, I had to first copy and paste the "poster" into the bus stop photograph. After I copied it on the background (bus stop), I had to rasterize it, so I clicked  "Layers>Rasterize>Layer". I rasterized it and so now I was able to edit it and resize. I had already selected the "poster" layer, and so I clicked "command t" which allows me to transform the image size. I right clicked the image and clocked "skew", a tool that helps alter the image and the way that it tilts. In this case, I used it to make the poster look more real, as if it was actually on the bus stop as an advertisement.